In 1893, Nick Wilson moved back to the South Park area with his large family. His children attended the local school, the only one operating in the valley. Nick surveyed the area before settling on a homestead along Fish Creek, a few miles northwest from the South Park community. Here he built the second Post Office in the valley (the first being created in 1892 at the Fred White ranch. It was known as Marysvale), and the first hotel. When he was awarded the postmaster contract, he called the post office “Wilson.” The hotel was located at the bottom of Teton Pass, and was the first stopping point of many newcomers to the valley. The post office was located in a building next door, and it later held Wilson’s first store.
Before Nick Wilson’s founding of Wilson, mail was carried into the valley by residents about four or five times a year. It was at the convenience of whoever needed to trek over the Pass and into Idaho for supplies, and he would carry back the valley’s mail. When the Marysvale Post Office opened at the Fred White ranch, a postman began making the trek and mail service became more regular. Selar Cheney held the postmaster contract in South Park, but by 1916 the small outpost was dissolved; all of South Park would retrieve their mail from the Jackson post office.
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