Online Exhibits

The Last Homestead

“Being young and inexperienced in that kind of country precluded any feeling of futility as to my ability to select a good homestead site…at the time the distance from no-where meant nothing. The wilderness fever ran high”.  (Harold McKinstry). THE LAST HOMESTEAD tells the story of Linda and Harold “Mac” McKinstry, a young couple who, […]

On the Trail of Teton County’s Historic Tourist Accommodations

Tourism in Teton County began soon after the first permanent settlement took place around 1883, when early settlers provided overnight accommodations to big game hunters and those curious and hardy enough to explore Yellowstone, the country’s first national park. Tourism gradually increased as roads and other infrastructure made the trip more comfortable in the early […]

National Elk Refuge: 1912 – 2012 — by Steve Morriss

For thousands of years, Elk herds migrated through Jackson Hole on their way to winter ranges in the Red Desert, Green River drainage, Big Horn Basin and Teton Valley. As settlements in these areas expanded in the late 1800’s, the traditional elk feeding grounds were replaced with cultivated fields and pastures.